Law News

Massachusetts Families File Major Class Action Lawsuit Challenging Deceptive, Discredited Reading Curricula
Three Massachusetts children and their parents filed a major class action lawsuit Wednesday challenging the deceptive and fraudulent marketing and sale of faulty literacy curricula that have undermined the future of students across the Commonwealth.

Explosive Lawsuit Challenges Discriminatory, Unconstitutional Forced Labor Scheme in Alabama State Prisons
On behalf of incarcerated Alabamians, Justice Catalyst Law and partners filed a class action lawsuit against Alabama's forced-labor scheme.

College Board Extends NRP Deadline After Demand by Students of Color and Advocates
College Board gives excluded high-achieving Black, Hispanic, Latino, Indigenous and students from rural areas additional window of time to secure participation in National Recognition Programs.

College Board Depriving Black, Hispanic, Latino, Indigenous and Rural Students of National Recognition Program Honors and Scholarship Opportunities
Attorneys for impacted parents and students sent the College Board a letter demanding “immediate action to cease impeding and effectively denying millions of dollars in scholarships and college recruitment to high-achieving Black, Latinx, Hispanic American, Indigenous, and rural students."

Workers File Forced Labor Class Action Against The Salvation Army
Justice Catalyst Law and Nichols Kaster filed a labor trafficking class action on behalf of ARC laborers against The Salvation Army.

Incarcerated People Sue to Stop Use of Faulty Drug Tests on Mail
People incarcerated in Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against the Massachusetts Department of Corrections (DOC) on July 29, 2021 seeking to stop the DOC’s use of a defective and faulty drug test manufactured by Sirchie Acquisition Company, LLC.

Plaintiff With Opioid Use Disorder Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Salvation Army
JCL and CREEC have filed a sweeping federal lawsuit challenging The Salvation Army’s discriminatory and outdated policy and practice of denying access to necessary, doctor-prescribed medications to participants in its Adult Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs).

Janet Herold to Join Justice Catalyst Law as Legal Director
Justice Catalyst Law is thrilled to announce that Janet Herold will be joining us as our new Legal Director.

Justice Catalyst Law Brings Suit on Behalf of Californians against Thomson Reuters for Profiting off Identities without Consent
A group of California civil rights activists has filed a class action lawsuit against Thompson Reuters, accusing the company of illegally selling Californians’ data without their consent.

FDA Warns Joseph Mercola Not to Market Products Making Illegal Claims to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
On February 18, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Mercola based on a letter Justice Catalyst Law, Center for Science in the Public Interest, and People's Parity Project wrote.

#DiplomaPrivilegeNow – Sign Onto Public Rights Project’s Open Letter!
Justice Catalyst Law just signed on to an open letter led by Public Rights Project from public interest legal organizations supporting diploma privilege and invites you to do the same.

Justice Catalyst Law Files Class Action Against TeamHealth Over Hospital and ER Billing Fraud
Justice Catalyst Law filed a class action against the largest healthcare staffing company in the country, TeamHealth, alleging that it systemically inflates medical bills sent to patients around the country.

Families of Prisoners Sue Nation’s Largest Providers of Inmate Calling Services for Fixing and Lying about Prices
Families of prisoners filed a class action lawsuit against GTL, Securus, and 3CI for charging unlawfully inflated prices for collect calls made by incarcerated individuals in jails and prisons throughout the United States.

Justice Catalyst Law and Partners Reached Landmark Settlement in Lending Discrimination Class-Action Cases by DACA Recipients Against Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Bank will pay up to $19.6 million and change its lending policies as part of settling two class-action lawsuits brought by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, represented by JCL, MALDEF, and O&G.

Justice Catalyst Law and Partners Bring Class Action Alleging Monopolization of All-Star Cheerleading Competitions and Apparel
Berger Montague, Cuneo Gilbert & LaDuca, and Justice Catalyst Law filed an antitrust class action lawsuit against Varsity Brands and the U.S. All Star Federation.

Justice Catalyst Law and National Consumer Law Center Call on IRS to Investigate Non-Profit Hospital Outsourcing to For-Profits
Justice Catalyst Law and National Consumer Law Center submitted a letter to the IRS to investigate non-profit hospital outsourcing to for-profit hospitals.

Justice Catalyst Law Announces That Plaintiffs Defeat Motion to Dismiss California Bail Bonds Antitrust Litigation
In JCL's bail bonds case, an order was issued rejecting an argument by members of the bail bonds industry that they are immune from liability for an alleged antitrust conspiracy.

Defrauded Borrowers Sue U.S. Department of Education Contractor for Seizing Funds While They Wait in Limbo for Borrower Defense Relief
Justice Catalyst Law and partners served Maximus Federal Services, Inc. with a lawsuit that alleges the company is engaging in illegal collection activity against student loan borrowers who submitted Borrower Defense repayment claims to the U.S. Department of Education.

Justice Catalyst Law, Towards Justice, and Leonard Carder LLP filed suit against Amway, the largest multi-level-marketing company in the country, for failing to provide workers’ rights to its so-called “independent business owners.”

Public Comments of 18 State Attorneys General on Labor Issues in Antitrust Cite JCL Letter
Citing a letter written by Justice Catalyst Law, Towards Justice, and Eric Posner, 18 State AGs submitted public comments on labor issues in antitrust.
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